Category: KelseyDragon17’s Posts

An update from KD17

KelseyDragon17's Posts

Hey peeps! KelseyDragon17 here. YW wanted me to give an update on my writing progress, and I’m just gonna give you the honest truth: I’ve literally done no writing for over a month.

I know, I feel like a betrayer to all writers out there. To be honest, all I’ve been doing is art. All the time, I think about art, think about new ideas for art, drawing new art, painting, sketching, Photoshop, and looking at other people’s art. ART.

I’ve really been trying to develop my art skill level, because I look at other people’s art and think ‘that’s what I want to do.’ I’ve recently redrew on of my OCs, Emma, and I’m really happy with the progress that I’ve made.


This is only 8 months apart, but all that continual practice is paying off. I noticed this same kind of development in my writing when I was still consistent with it. I could see my sentence structure, wording, and grammar getting better as I practiced more and more.

Everyone knows the old saying ‘practice make perfect,’ but there is so much truth to it. Perfection, to me, is unreachable in any art form, but you can get near to it. But don’t let this discourage you, friends. Practice continually. If you want something, go for it!  If you’re gushing over your favorite book and are dreaming of writing your own, start it now. It’s not going to be good at the start; my early art is so cringe worthy *shivers*, but it will get better if you practice. You can do it.


I will try to get back into writing soon. I still want people to know my OC’s stories, I just have to build up the courage to start again. I needed to overcome that same fear of failure when I first wanted to develop my drawing skill, but I did it. Now I need to conquer that same anxiety over writing. I know I will eventually, and you can too.

Love you all,


We aren’t dead.

KelseyDragon17's Posts

KD17 here. Sorry we haven’t been updating as much; we have not forgotten about this site! Both Young Writer’s and my schedules have been INSANE. Young Writer has started college, and she also has about one million other extracurricular activities in addition to writing and keeping up this blog. I can’t even keep track of all of it (and I’m her bestie!).

I have also been pretty busy because I just came back from vacation yesterday. I went to Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island, and I’ll just say, I would HIGHLY recommend it. If you ever need woods-y fantasy inspiration for writing (and are also up for some hiking), just go there! Here is a pic of just some of the magic:

Acadia is magic

I also got an Instagram account, so I’ve been trying to keep the new art rolling so I can be consistent on there. If you’d like to check out my page, just click here. Young Writer also as Instagram now! Here’s her link.

So, as for content for the blog, we do have a plan! Next week, Young Writer will release a book review for a suspense thriller/murder mystery she read (just in time for Halloween 😉 ). After that she’s going to post SOME OF HER FICTION WRITING! *collective gasp of excitement* That’s right, for the last few days of October, YW herself will release a holiday special short story that she wrote for school about two years ago. I have personally read it, and it is super cute, funny, and suspenseful at times, but has a great message. Looking forward for you all to read it! She will be posting five chapters hopefully around the time of Halloween.

Okay, so that was just a little update to show that we are still alive. We will try to update this blog as much as possible, and as always, never stop art-ing, friends, whether it be writing, drawing, cooking, or whatever you’re into. Just keep practicing.



KelseyDragon17’s Source of Inspiration, Ways I get Myself to Write: Method #11

KelseyDragon17's Posts

KD17 is back! How’s everyone? I’m still trying to find the time to write/draw/art amidst my work schedule (the struggle is real).

So anyways, YW asked me to do one last article for her series for how to get inspiration. Again I was like WHY U DO DIS TO ME, but once I calmed down and thought it out, I realized what it was:

Have a close writing friend.

That might seem super sappy and like ‘lol that’s adorbs how does that help with writing?’ but I mean it. I don’t even know where I’d be in my creative journey if I didn’t have YW support. I remember back when I was in 10th grade, and seriously starting to think about writing, but not knowing where to go with it, or too afraid to start because I would never be able to finish. Then I got together with YW, and I don’t even remember how it was brought up, but we discussed how we both had these awesome stories in mind. I remember she showed me all of her ideas for her story, down to the map, setting, characters, plot, and even some excerpts. That day was still one of our best brainstorming sessions to date. We must have worked on it for a good two hours straight, ideas flowing out of both of us. Her story changed so much that day, for the better.

I remember thinking about how many ideas I had that day, and thinking that I needed to start my writing, that maybe one day I could finish it if I just kept going. I never told anyone about my stories because they were just too personal. I mean, I thought about it everyday since I was twelve; it was something that meant so much to me, what if people didn’t like it as much as I did? But after YW and I’s epic brainstorm, I started to write a little bit, and showed her, and for some crazy reason she likes it. That also gave me hope because if she likes it, maybe other people will too. I still feel like my stories are really bad at times, but when I show it to YW, her face always lights up and she really likes it. It gives me motivation to keep going.

So yes, have a writing/accountability partner/friend, because they will encourage you to just keep writing, and you can ask for help if you’re stuck. They’re creativeness mixes with your creativeness and then… *IDEA EXPLOSION*.

Stay awesome, peeps.


P.S. – Just for funzies, here’s a drawing for YW that I did for her birthday. It’s us as our characters 😉 I’m the winged girl, and YW is the princess. (This drawing is really derp but it still shows friendship *confetti sparkles*)

so friendship. much character. wow.

Ways I get Myself to Write, Method #8: Writing Lock-in

KelseyDragon17's PostsYoung Writer's Posts

So, I was talking with KelseyDragon17 last week and she was like, “I WANT TO WRITE BUT I NEED TO FORCE MYSELF TO AND I KEEP GETTING DISTRACTED BY THE INTERNET”. Will she say those were her exact words were you ever to ask her? No. 😛 But it was pretty darn close. So, I proposed a “Writing Lock-In”. What is that? Well, basically, it’s an event where you lock yourself in a room, confiscate all pieces of technology and but them in a box NOT in the room you’re locking yourself up in, turn off your wifi, and make yourself write a certain amount of words. You’re not allowed to leave the room unless you are a) hungry/thirsty b) need to use the restroom and/or c) injured/bleeding. KD17 and I had settled on writing 2 chapters. (2 chapters for me is about 10-11 pages each.) It started off alright…I never realized how much I rely on the internet. I was five minutes in and already trying to get on Pinterest. I decided to start off by typing up about 4 scenes I had previously written in a notebook into my Word Document. After that, I wrote about 2 small paragraphs that I deemed worthy of being scenes. KD17 and I quickly decreased the limit from 2 chapters to 1, to 1000 words, to 500 words, to “hey, we are hungry. Let’s drop everything and get some food then watch a movie.” Was it good in theory? You bet. But in real life, well, it’s a work in progress. On the bright side, I got to type up some material I had put off transferring to my computer and even thought of some more scenes to include in my story. I even wrote some new stuff. So, the day wasn’t a total loss and I got to spend the day with my bestie! 🙂 If you want to write and need to write, try a Writing Lock-In with a friend sometime! It’s a great way to motivate yourselves to write. (See what I did there?)1sdfg

And now, here’s KD17’s view on how the Writing Lock-In went…


It’s KD17. Here’s a little snippet of how I thought the lock-in went.

IT WAS FREAKING AWFUL. Okay, I guess it wasn’t so bad. But it showed me just how distracted I am when I try to write. I only wrote about 400 words, which I guess is progress, but I was hoping for a bit more. It didn’t help that I forgot my laptop’s power chord when I went over to YW’s house. My battery didn’t last too long. So I had to go old fashioned and actually *gasp* write in pencil. I know that’s perfectly normal for some people, but it’s pretty abnormal for me 😉 (but its awesome that some people still write books in journals and stuff! Props to you!) My advice if you’re gonna do this with a friend:

  1. Be committed.
  2. Make sure you have the supplies you need. Then double check. *bring power cord like seriously*
  3. Make sure you have an idea of what part you’re going to write beforehand (this is optional, but it would have helped me).

KelseyDragon17’s 3rd PO Excerpt

KelseyDragon17's Posts

Hey, it’s KelseyDragon17 here! I’m writing this post to show you guys how I’ve been doing with writing in 3rd Person Omniscient. Young Writer posted previously from one of her stories, so I’ve decided to include a piece of mine. I hope you like it! 🙂

(also my main character, Kelsey, is a dragon [as maybe you could have guessed from my screen name])

Kelsey dove off the cliff, not even thinking about her own safety as she watched her only companion plummeting to his death. She pulled her wings in tight to gain as much speed as she could to reach him in time.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jeff saw a blue streak above him. But he couldn’t process what that streak was. All he knew was he was falling and he was going to die. He couldn’t think of anything other than his rapidly approaching death. Then out of nowhere something solid like a thick branch whacked him in the chest, and despite getting the air knocked out of him, he grasped it for dear life.

She pulled him off her tail and held him against her chest, all the while flailing her wings around, trying to catch the air. She was panicking, as was Jeff.

And in their panic, they both prayed. Kelsey cried out in despair, God, I haven’t trusted you in the past to guide me. But I’m asking you now, please Father, save me to save Jeff. Jeff’s prayer cannot be translated into words, but he thought of God and desperately cried out for both of their lives.

Kelsey opened her wings at long last, and the wind caught underneath the membrane. She opened her eyes and saw the trees blur past her, and she knew her prayer was answered. And to her, flying was amazing. She flapped once to keep her and Jeff from gliding into the trees.

Jeff kept his eyes shut, waiting for the end to come, but it never did. And his stomach was no longer in his throat from falling. He felt something nudge his head and he opened his teary eyes to see Kelsey, her head flipped upside down, staring at him, wondering if he were okay. He quickly wiped his tears, I hope she didn’t see that.

She did, though she didn’t mind. I’ve got you, Jeff.

KelseyDragon17’s Source of Inspiration, Ways I get Myself to Write: Method #4

KelseyDragon17's Posts

I’m back! How’s everyone doing? I hope well 🙂

So, Young Writer asked me to write another article on how I get inspiration to write. It took me a while to think of it to be honest. How else do I get inspiration besides music (currently listening to Heathens by Twenty One Pilots)? But then I realized, it’s my art.

Nearly all of my artwork is concept art for my stories. Sometimes when I get an idea, I just need to draw it. It helps me visualize it, but most importantly, to remember it. Remembering my ideas is not a strong point of mine. I usually have to tether it to something, like drawing or painting, and even with a song.

This drawing was an image that came to mind one day while doing schoolwork of all things, and I had to draw it. I did this a few years ago, so its not very pretty, but this has become a scene in one of my few major stories I’m currently working on now. Mermaid

The above picture was done entirely in pencil, using a Bic 0.7mm HB #2 mechanical pencil. I love these pencils for sketching because the point is always sharp, however in hindsight, I can say I wouldn’t recommend it for coloring in a picture like this. 😉

I try to expand my knowledge of art mediums best I can so I can find new ways to get whats in my brain on paper (which is difficult). My favorite types are:

  1. Pencil (def #1)
  2. Alcohol-based art markers (newbie at this!)
  3. Watercolors (I’m okay at it?)
  4. Acrylics (not too skilled in this one)
  5. Colored pencil (a go-to for quick color)
  6. Pen (for on-the-go sketches)

If any of you are saying, “But KD17, I can’t draw or paint!”, don’t worry! Even just attempting to visualize something can help you remember. Here is an (obviously) unfinished drawing I’ve done. This is very, very vague. But when I was looking for drawings I could put into this post, I came across this, and the story idea that was behind it came rushing back. I had completely forgotten about this concept until I saw this drawing. But because I remembered what I wanted to accomplish in this drawing (two people facing each other through a glass separator), the story idea came with it.Derp drawing

So bust out those pencils and paper and get sketching! Don’t worry about how it looks, all that counts is that you started. 🙂

God bless,


KelseyDragon17’s Source of Inspiration, Ways I get Myself to Write: Method #3

KelseyDragon17's Posts

‘Sup peeps? KelseyDragon17 here. Young Writer asked me to do a guest article for her, and I’m like, “What? I don’t know how!” But here I am so hopefully this isn’t the worst thing you’ve ever read.

She asked me to write what makes me be creative or what inspires me. So here we go:

The #1 way how I, KelseyDragon17, get my creativity going:


This has to be the sole reason I’m creative in any way, shape, or form (minus God’s gift of creativity to me 🙂 ). This is what even started the writer in me many years ago.

I don’t play music really. I played piano for 7 years but I’m not naturally gifted at it. But listening to music is everything. It all started in 6th grade, when my dad found these two epic instrumental songs:

Two Steps From Hell – Archangel

Two Steps From Hell – Heart of Courage (Invincible)

I listened to these for hours and hours on my old iPod Nano. I pictured my characters moving along the soundtrack, like a movie, in my mind, and the whole world lit up. I started drawing the images in my mind (my art skills were non-existent at this time), and I started developing my story more. It has come a longgggg way from that time, but it was still a start. I actually didn’t start writing it until 4 years later, after deciding there was no point in waiting. But that’s a story for another day.

I still find music that creates images and movies in my mind. Even now, I come up with new story concepts just from listening to instrumental music. Movie soundtracks are very inspirational too because I always like to think of my stories as becoming movies themselves one day (a girl can dream, can’t she?). Even music with lyrics that match up with your character’s thoughts or emotions. So pretty much any kind of music. I created a youtube playlist so I can listen to it while I’m writing, and that music can even coax a few sentences out of me when I’m having the worst case of writer’s block.  I also found that piano music is also helps me write even if I don’t tie the song in with my stories. Pandora radio is good for that. Also this song: Microsoft Windows XP Welcome Music (I know that title sounds weird, but trust me!)

If any of you are interested in what my Youtube playlist is, than you’re in luck! Here is the link: KelseyDragon17’s Story/Writing Music (lots of links I’m sorry).

But music isn’t just for writing, it can be used for creating art too. This image below was inspired by the song “The Lightning Strike” by Snow Patrol (which is in the playlist by the way).

What If The Storm Ends

I made this on my iPad using the Paper app by Fifty-Three. This is one of my characters. This scene doesn’t really happen in my story, but concept art really helps set the mood for the story. Much like how different genres or music styles can help set mood in your story.

I know I’m not the only one who uses music to develop their story. Veronica Roth, author of the bestselling young adult dystopian series Divergent, included playlists at the end of her books. She writes in the bonus section of Insurgent, “I always listen to music while I write, and the music selection process can be tricky, because if I can’t find the right song, sometimes it’s hard for me to work, which is not ideal! I don’t pay attention to genre at all–only to what kind of scene it makes me see.” I feel you, Veronica!

I hope this article was helpful, informative, or at least a little humorous from my complete lack of writing skill. 😛

Hope you have a magical, writing, drawing, inspiration-filled day!

About Young Writer’s Draft

Follow me on my journey as I figure out this crazy thing we call writing. Prepare yourself for a lot of crying, laughing, screaming, praying, and chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate.

Story Quote of the Week:

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." - Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen

Young Writer’s Calendar

January 2025

Young Writer’s Current Reads:

Thread of Suspicion by Susan Sleesman


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